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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > 1936 Art Deco Gas Station
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6 December 2003 Peg Price

1936 Art Deco Gas Station

648 N. Stone

Also known as "Tucson Tower"

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bill Graham 26-Jan-2009 21:33
Is this the gas station that was on the southwest corner of North Stone and West Speedway? If it is, then back in the early '40s it had a Mobile Gas sign up high in the air. It was the red flying horse with wings and as I recall, it revolved.
C 25-Jul-2008 18:41
I've almost had so many accidents when I drive by this building, it's just so cool. I didn't realize that the island roof is gone - how did I miss that? It always reminds me of a Dairy Queen cone!
Peg Price21-Jun-2007 13:31
Hi John,
I'm sure sorry to hear what's happened to this building. I would definitely think it would be worth saving.
John Falkenstine10-Jun-2007 22:58
Good shot Peg. When I photographed it, I noticed that the roof over the pump islands was "changing shape" more than likely as a result of water getting inside during monsoon storms. The owners fudged a repair, it didn't work. Now the island roof has been completely removed. Very sad.
Guest 18-Apr-2006 02:19