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2007 Seattle Mariners Spring Training

The first group of photos were taken at the first full workout on Feb. 20 in Peoria, AZ.
The remaining photos were taken when the M's came to Tucson to play the Diamondbacks, Rockies, and White Sox.
Help in identifying or correcting names of players is always welcome.
Jeff Weaver
Jeff Weaver
Felix Hernandez
Felix Hernandez
Willie Bloomquist
Willie Bloomquist
J.J. Putz
J.J. Putz
Adrian Beltre
Adrian Beltre
Cha Seung Baek
Cha Seung Baek
Eric O'Flaherty
Eric O'Flaherty
Horacio Ramirez
Horacio Ramirez
Mike Morse
Mike Morse
Richie Sexson
Richie Sexson
Kenji Johjima
Kenji Johjima
Joh Again
Joh Again
Jarrod Washburn
Jarrod Washburn
Julio Mateo
Julio Mateo
Cesar Jimenez
Cesar Jimenez
Arthur Lee Rhodes
Arthur Lee Rhodes
Raul Ibanez
Raul Ibanez
Miguel Batista
Miguel Batista
Rene Rivera
Rene Rivera
Matt Tuiasosopo
Matt Tuiasosopo
Mike Hargrove
Mike Hargrove
Adam Jones
Adam Jones
Sean Green
Sean Green
Bryan LaHair
Bryan LaHair
Chris Reitsma
Chris Reitsma
George Sherrill
George Sherrill
Jake Woods
Jake Woods
Ichiro on the Run
Ichiro on the Run
Yuniesky Betancourt
Yuniesky Betancourt
Fixing the Gear
Fixing the Gear
Adrian, Raul, and Richie
Adrian, Raul, and Richie
Team Stretch
Team Stretch
Jorge Campillo
Jorge Campillo
Richie Sexson
Richie Sexson
Jamie Burke
Jamie Burke
Rob Johnson
Rob Johnson
Jeff Clement
Jeff Clement
Aaron Small
Aaron Small
Luis Oliveros
Luis Oliveros
g6/14/296714/3/74678839.yNs2o9DV.jpg Ben Broussard
Ben Broussard
Jamie Burke
Jamie Burke
g6/14/296714/3/74679462.uiYeht0K.jpg First Pitchers Meeting of the Year
First Pitchers Meeting of the Year
Michael Garciaparra
Michael Garciaparra
First Day's Workout
First Day's Workout
Rob Johnson Again
Rob Johnson Again
Jon Nelson
Jon Nelson
Rey Ordonez
Rey Ordonez
Jeremy Reed
Jeremy Reed
Gookie Dawkins
Gookie Dawkins
Ben Goes 3 for 3
Ben Goes 3 for 3
Jon Huber
Jon Huber
Jeffrey Dominguez
Jeffrey Dominguez
g6/14/296714/3/75970854.1OqKtBC9.jpg Jamie Once Again
Jamie Once Again
A Smile for the Fans
A Smile for the Fans
Tony Torcato
Tony Torcato
Jeff Weaver
Jeff Weaver
Gookie  Gets a Little Ham Help
Gookie Gets a Little Ham Help
The Famous Ichiro Stretch
The Famous Ichiro Stretch
Jose Guillen
Jose Guillen
Sean White
Sean White
g6/14/296714/3/76008336.NEho4eas.jpg Adrian and Raul
Adrian and Raul
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez
A Catcher's Stretching Work
A Catcher's Stretching Work
g6/14/296714/3/76008899.PEKyPPI1.jpg Ichiro Warms Up
Ichiro Warms Up
Headin' for Home
Headin' for Home
Ben on First
Ben on First
g6/14/296714/3/76045758.F1ejXrsq.jpg g6/14/296714/3/76046111.3DWs8ovt.jpg
Jose Vidro
Jose Vidro
g6/14/296714/3/76096973.wYICCpQE.jpg Richie
Sean Green
Sean Green
 John McLaren
John McLaren
Raul's Homer
Raul's Homer
Miguel Lets It Fly
Miguel Lets It Fly
Ready to Catch
Ready to Catch
Yung-Chi Chen
Yung-Chi Chen
g6/14/296714/3/75963380.xPY3LofQ.jpg Dinger