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Bernard Davis | profile | all galleries >> Collections of Photos on Similar Topics >> Salford Quays and the Imperial War Museum North tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Salford Quays and the Imperial War Museum North

Some photographs of the architecture and contents at Salford Quays
Two Old Ladies
Two Old Ladies
Imperial war Museum North
Imperial war Museum North
Imperial war Museum North
Imperial war Museum North
Imperial war Museum North
Imperial war Museum North
Inside the tower
Inside the tower
From the viewing platform
From the viewing platform
13 pound cavalry piece
13 pound cavalry piece
T55 ex-Iraqui Tank
T55 ex-Iraqui Tank
T34 Tank
T34 Tank
WW1 German Tank Gun
WW1 German Tank Gun
Ferranti fire extinguisher
Ferranti fire extinguisher
The Lowry
The Lowry
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Salford Quays
Anchors aweigh
Anchors aweigh
Salford Quays
Salford Quays