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Bernard Davis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Favourites 2009

My favourite images from 2009. The year I finally started to take this photography thing a little more seriously.
Red Arrows and Ferris
Red Arrows and Ferris
Head On Split Up
Head On Split Up
Red White and Blue 04
Red White and Blue 04
Arrows @ 1 o'clock
Arrows @ 1 o'clock
Arrows Looping Out
Arrows Looping Out
White Cat
White Cat
Reggie behind bars
Reggie behind bars
Yes, its just a cow
Yes, its just a cow
Handsome fellow
Handsome fellow
Let Me In
Let Me In
Cumbria just pulling into the station
Cumbria just pulling into the station
Three Old Ladies
Three Old Ladies
Starting Early
Starting Early
Rain coming across the Ribble Estuary
Rain coming across the Ribble Estuary
Wind Surfing
Wind Surfing
Lytham Windmill
Lytham Windmill
Wind Surfing
Wind Surfing
Firemans Helmet c 1900 - Churchtown Botanic Gardens, Museum
Firemans Helmet c 1900 - Churchtown Botanic Gardens, Museum