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I have a fasination with feet. For me they are the hardest working part of my body, between daily life, dance lessons, and the terror that is women's shoes they get put through the ringer. To my mind feet are a great deal like hands, only they can never lie to you. It makes sense to me. Enjoy.
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Snow Shoes
Snow Shoes
Grimmauld Place Pumps
Grimmauld Place Pumps
No, Stay.
No, Stay.
Tug of Wills
Tug of Wills
Not your mom's stockings and heels
Not your mom's stockings and heels
Upward Bound
Upward Bound
A good date night
A good date night
Peep Toe Jo
Peep Toe Jo
Three Tone, Three and a Half Inch Oxford Pumps
Three Tone, Three and a Half Inch Oxford Pumps
Seams to Cross
Seams to Cross
Seaming to reach
Seaming to reach
Blue and unbruised
Blue and unbruised
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