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Franz Bauer | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Germany tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Schloß Moritzburg in Germany
< Schloß Moritzburg in Germany >
Zittau - Südöstlichste Stadt Deutschlands
< Zittau - Südöstlichste Stadt Deutschlands >
Bautzen an der Spree
< Bautzen an der Spree >
Görlitz an der Lausitzer Neiße
< Görlitz an der Lausitzer Neiße >
Marktl - Birthplace of Pope Benedict XVI
< Marktl - Birthplace of Pope Benedict XVI >
Pipe Organs in Germany
< Pipe Organs in Germany >
Free State of Bavaria,Germany
< Free State of Bavaria,Germany >
Trier - Oldest City in Germany
< Trier - Oldest City in Germany >
Worms in Germany
< Worms in Germany >
Weinstadt (wine city) Heppenheim,Germany
< Weinstadt (wine city) Heppenheim,Germany >
Wiesbaden in Germany
< Wiesbaden in Germany >
Old and new Architecture in Darmstadt,Germany
< Old and new Architecture in Darmstadt,Germany >
Baroque in Dresden,Germany
< Baroque in Dresden,Germany >
Brickstone-Architecture in Stralsund,Germany
< Brickstone-Architecture in Stralsund,Germany >
Aerial Shots of Germany
< Aerial Shots of Germany >
Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) in Germany
< Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) in Germany >
Nightshots of Germany
< Nightshots of Germany >
Vineyards along the Mosel-River,Germany
< Vineyards along the Mosel-River,Germany >