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John | all galleries >> Galleries >> C o n v u l s i o n s > Brushes
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janescottcumming07-Feb-2019 16:14
That's a cool point of view and some great edge lighting. V
victorswan05-Feb-2019 14:22
So just anoder Amazing photo, wonderful with this incident light great work BV
Jeff Real05-Feb-2019 02:32
A very majestic piece with this light!
Walter Otto Koenig05-Feb-2019 02:04
Interesting with these details and tones. I like the rays at the top. "V"
Pieter Bos04-Feb-2019 22:08
Beautiful B&W version! ~V
Hank Vander Velde04-Feb-2019 13:20
Beautiful image with great light and light rays John.
laine04-Feb-2019 10:19
Beautiful blooms, love them in b/w. V
regi olbrechts04-Feb-2019 08:42
Nice light and tone here John. V.
slhoornstra04-Feb-2019 06:00
Very beautifully done. V
joseantonio04-Feb-2019 05:57
your images in B&W are always so amazing.V.