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270621_WMM0005 27th June

Slightly Chubby Controller

Ogikubo, Tokyo

This puts me in mind of the Thomas the Tank Engine stories.
He is guard on one of the metro trains. Finger on button, ready to play the warning jingle prior to closing the train doors.

Olympus PEN-F Digital
1/500s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don Mottershead05-Jul-2021 01:43
I think he's giving you a slightly critical gaze. ;)
Graeme29-Jun-2021 11:35
Great candid shot, Bill.V
Alan K29-Jun-2021 10:36
Warning JINGLE? Down here we just get a recorded "stand clear, doors closing" plus some flashing lights for the hearing-imapaired. I like the idea of a jingle.

I like it even more if I can find a way to swap it with "Highway To The Danger Zone" from Top Gun. It may freak a few commuters out, but it would be worth it.
laine29-Jun-2021 08:22
LOL...your right Bill...I think you found him
joseantonio29-Jun-2021 06:51
nice composition.V
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