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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2017 > Umibōzu
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150417_1050365 15th April


North Berwick

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM5
1/800s f/5.6 at 32.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy18-Apr-2017 14:14
Yes, she's got the look! A fun image and wonderful smile. V
LynnH18-Apr-2017 11:31
I have to laugh at Johnny's comment. Very nice candid portrait here.
David Buzzeo17-Apr-2017 23:22
Nicel composed. V
Johnny JAG17-Apr-2017 18:56
Looks like she's dressed for a North Berwick summer
laine17-Apr-2017 09:31
A lovely photo of Mika..
Bryan Murahashi17-Apr-2017 04:23
A fabulous smile.
Neil Marcus17-Apr-2017 02:12
A genuine smile. Well placed in the frame.
Wintermeer16-Apr-2017 19:00
Such a gorgeous smile! ~V~
Helen Betts16-Apr-2017 18:55
A funny title, but a lovely portrait.
Jim Coffman16-Apr-2017 18:51
The winning smile is back! Nice work, Bill...
Ton T.16-Apr-2017 18:45
Beautiful portrait of a beautiful woman! V
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