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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2017 > Wild Garlic
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120417_1050356 12th April

Wild Garlic


Outside the church. No vampires here.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM5
1/80s f/5.6 at 32.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stephanie15-Apr-2017 16:29
A beautiful image Bill! I really love this! V
Tom LeRoy15-Apr-2017 08:44
A very "pungent" image. Nicely done, Bill. V
Martin Lamoon14-Apr-2017 18:02
Wonderful using that DOF.
Jackdad14-Apr-2017 15:59
Flowers seem very early this year.
laine13-Apr-2017 22:13
It's lovely, Bill...I really like wild garlic's stroppy leaves. A great compo too.
Dave Petersen Photography13-Apr-2017 13:28
Nicely composed with an excellent use of your DOF and soft pastel colors. V
Zeeby13-Apr-2017 09:00
Lovely composition. V
marie-jose wolff13-Apr-2017 08:29
very fine presentation with this DOF. V
Bryan Murahashi13-Apr-2017 04:39
Beautiful blooms and setting.
Nirvan Hope12-Apr-2017 21:10
Excellent composition with the focus at the bottom of the image.
Jim Coffman12-Apr-2017 20:43
A lovely spring capture, Bill....
bill friedlander12-Apr-2017 20:00
Well composed and nice DOF. V
Johnny JAG12-Apr-2017 19:49
Wow, that's early!
Ton T.12-Apr-2017 19:39
Probably inside the church now. Moody image Bill, can smell the garlic V
Jeff Real12-Apr-2017 17:26
A very dreamlike and beautiful photograph! ~V~
Neil Marcus12-Apr-2017 15:34
Nicely composed using the soft background.
David Buzzeo12-Apr-2017 15:21
Nice use of depth of field. V
Helen Betts12-Apr-2017 14:34
Maybe not, but it has a great mood all the same.
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