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Favourites of 2011

Chinese Lanterns
Chinese Lanterns
Lord Venkateswara
Lord Venkateswara
Hunstanton sunset.jpg
Hunstanton sunset.jpg
Comfort Inn Bar.jpg
Comfort Inn Bar.jpg
Everlasting bouquet.jpg
Everlasting bouquet.jpg
Hunstanton shore at sunset.jpg
Hunstanton shore at sunset.jpg
Rapeseed field.jpg
Rapeseed field.jpg
Boulton Watts Murdoch.jpg
Boulton Watts Murdoch.jpg
New leaves.jpg
New leaves.jpg
Ickworth house woods.jpg
Ickworth house woods.jpg
Ickworth garden in summer.jpg
Ickworth garden in summer.jpg
Weeds, Glorious Weeds.jpg
Weeds, Glorious Weeds.jpg
Flower portraits.jpg
Flower portraits.jpg
Portrait of a flower.jpg
Portrait of a flower.jpg
Ingleton village.jpg
Ingleton village.jpg
Butlins at sunset.jpg
Butlins at sunset.jpg
Windmills of the people.jpg
Windmills of the people.jpg
Butlins Turtle court.jpg
Butlins Turtle court.jpg
Feast India Restaurent Leicester.jpg
Feast India Restaurent Leicester.jpg
King's Lynn Autumn colours1.jpg
King's Lynn Autumn colours1.jpg
King's Lynn Autumn colours2.jpg
King's Lynn Autumn colours2.jpg
Blinds Abstract.jpg
Blinds Abstract.jpg
The Rock - Bury.jpg
The Rock - Bury.jpg