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Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika is one of the Rift Valley series of lakes. It is famous for kapenta, a small herring-like fish that is dried on racks and used for lots of different things.
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Mpulungu harbor
Mpulungu harbor
Beach time with the Powells
Beach time with the Powells
Giant cichlid before cooking
Giant cichlid before cooking
Nile perch after cooking
Nile perch after cooking
Easter 2000 on Lake Tanganyika
Easter 2000 on Lake Tanganyika
The beer arrives by kayak
The beer arrives by kayak
Two oily catfish for supper
Two oily catfish for supper
Let's play sink the kayak
Let's play sink the kayak
And down she goes.
And down she goes.
Beer in hand and tuna on face, what could be better?
Beer in hand and tuna on face, what could be better?
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