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Joe Sullivan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tajikistan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


These pictures are from a USAID Farmer to Farmer trip in 2002. Tajikistan has a 1,000 mile border with Afghanistan and the Taliban had come through after the breakup of the Soviet Union to sponsor a civil war there as well. It was eventually put down by the Russians, but in the process, much of the infrastructure was destroyed. I was there to help restore aquaculture.

Many more pictures to come.
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Taj 1, July 2002 007.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 007.jpg
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Taj 1, July 2002 009.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 010.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 010.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 013.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 013.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 015.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 015.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 016.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 016.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 018.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 018.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 021.jpg
Taj 1, July 2002 021.jpg
Taj 2, July 2002 002.jpg
Taj 2, July 2002 002.jpg
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