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Joe Sullivan | profile | all galleries >> Peace Corps - Zambia >> Peace Corps Zambia - Remember Us for We'll Remember You >> Coffee that supports orphans and widows tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Coffee that supports orphans and widows

Coffee from Zambia is sold in the United States by Thorn Tree Coffee, a non-profit which uses the proceeds to support an orphanage and women's training center in Mbala, Northern Province, Zambia. The several varieties and roasts of coffee they sell is exquistely good gourmet coffee, but at reasonable, competitive prices including shipping. My favorite is the "Mini". If you know what peaberry is, it will be your favorite too. The HIV/AIDS problem in Africa has created many orphans, and this NGO is doing what they can to help. See their story at http://www.thorn
5 Ngoli.jpg
5 Ngoli.jpg
6 Ngoli nursery
6 Ngoli nursery
7 Ngoli nursery
7 Ngoli nursery
Environmental impact work on Mbala reservoir
Environmental impact work on Mbala reservoir
Kateshi under construction
Kateshi under construction
Coffee Hopper
Coffee Hopper
More construction
More construction
Kateshi under construction
Kateshi under construction
Kansato Coffee Farm also raises chickens
Kansato Coffee Farm also raises chickens