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Joe Sullivan | profile | all galleries >> Peace Corps - Zambia >> Peace Corps Zambia - Remember Us for We'll Remember You >> Agroforestry - Trees with Fish in Mind tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Agroforestry - Trees with Fish in Mind

We taught the farmers how to raise fast-growing trees with high-nitrogen leaves. Thus, they could periodically harvest the leaves for pond compost when other high nitrogen sources were not available.
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Men's section of the agroforestry class.JPG
Men's section of the agroforestry class.JPG
Nusery with seedlings uncovered.JPG
Nusery with seedlings uncovered.JPG
Women in the agroforestry workshop.JPG
Women in the agroforestry workshop.JPG
Agroforestry class with covered nursery.JPG
Agroforestry class with covered nursery.JPG
Getting duff from the forest.JPG
Getting duff from the forest.JPG
Throwing forest duff at the screen to get rid of sticks
Throwing forest duff at the screen to get rid of sticks
Making potting soil from sand, manure and duff.JPG
Making potting soil from sand, manure and duff.JPG
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