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BAS Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD - Picture a Day 2006 > Insect eggs
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Insect eggs

Have no ideea what kind of insect eggs are this one. Maybe they are extraterrestrial? :D

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik30-May-2006 22:46
Great find Alex. It's amazing the interesting things you see when you really stop and look! Vote! Sandy
Pepe Zyman30-May-2006 02:08
Fantastic find!
Argishti Khachik27-May-2006 18:27
Excellent shot with great details!
laine8226-May-2006 09:44
Good find, Alex. I have seen them sometimes on plants. Think they could be some type of moth, but I am not sure.
Sheila25-May-2006 22:02
How beautiful! Like the little silver balls you put on childrens cakes.
Wonderful shot. gmv
Paul Walters25-May-2006 18:06
They are pods from an advanced predatorial alien creature! Lucky you didn't give any of them a chance to open up and consume you in their self-indulgent, insatiable appetite for human flesh! Run back, and if they are still intact, SMASH them and hide!!!
Yvonne24-May-2006 23:41
Well seen and great shot!
Barb24-May-2006 22:41
Excellent shot
Guest 24-May-2006 21:41
That's excellent, Alex. Like pearls left on the tree. The light is excellent, the colors superb. GMV
Guest 24-May-2006 21:14
Fantastic!! I love the dof on this. They do look otherworldly :)
Hans Meerbeek24-May-2006 19:57
Don't know what it is but it's a terrific shot!
Di24-May-2006 18:30
Outstanding dof and very cool find. GMV!
Guest 24-May-2006 16:21
Cool find. Nice use of DOF to emphasize them and their otherworldliness.