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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Street Photography > James
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Nikon D80
1/320s f/7.1 at 86.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Chris Spracklen16-Jun-2009 09:31
Excellent candid capture, Bartosz! (V)
My compliments.
Best regards, Chris
Yiannis Pavlis13-Jan-2009 13:48
Simply stunning. This is a classy portrait from start to finish.
Tom Briggs10-Jan-2009 15:02
Wonderful capture of this strong face ... great candid portrait ... voted
Guest 04-Nov-2008 16:13
Excellent work !!! vVv
XiaoBernard9902-Oct-2008 17:01
This is a good portrait.DOF and expression are well captured.The beauty of this man is interesting.V
Apostolos Tikopoulos22-Jun-2008 10:52
Amazing work and excellent use of light. V.
Guest 16-Jun-2008 17:06
This is a great B & W portrait, perhaps I would have cut the bottom
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