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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > The Twelve Pins-Connemara National Park
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The Twelve Pins-Connemara National Park

1/50s f/14.0 at 15.0mm iso100 full exif

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Sue Robertson22-Mar-2010 23:55
A stunnign landscape!... v
Aivar Mikko29-Jan-2010 10:04
Wonderful view.
globalgadabout13-Jan-2010 14:37
bleak yet powerful scene in tremendous light...V
Milos Markovic11-Jan-2010 21:43
You paint really beautifully, Bartosz !
bill friedlander08-Jan-2010 22:24
This image has everything. Bravo. V
Steve Mockford08-Jan-2010 19:01
When people talk about an image being breath taking - this is what they are talking about. Beautifully captured. ~V~
Carol Rollins08-Jan-2010 14:13
This is fabulous Bartosz! Excellent light, shadows, tones and comp. ~
Guest 08-Jan-2010 13:12
A real eye-opener - beautiful work. V.
James Clarke08-Jan-2010 02:56
Magnificent nature at it's best. Well captured. BV
Marcia Colelli08-Jan-2010 01:10
Very beautiful scene, nicely captured V
CIS07-Jan-2010 22:08
What a Beautiful shot and scene!!! Worthy of hanging in a museum.
Patricia Kay07-Jan-2010 20:33
Such a stunning shot Bartosz...great colors,textures and compo...BV
McGarva07-Jan-2010 20:22
Wow! ... stunning images ... superb lighting and tonal range ... one of your best ... V
marie-jose wolff07-Jan-2010 17:28
absolutely wonderful landscape, great scenery! V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Jan-2010 16:24
Amazing landscape shot. Excellent work Bartosz. "V"
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad07-Jan-2010 15:18
A spectacular mountainscape. V
Steve Sharp07-Jan-2010 13:55
Stunning light, colour and clarity, what a view!
Marc Vermeulen07-Jan-2010 13:35
Magnifiek. V
Guest 07-Jan-2010 13:32
super, nowI want to go to Ireland.
Máire Uí Mhaicín07-Jan-2010 12:53
Excellent image. You climbed high to get this one,Bartosz. Well done! -v-
Nick Arena07-Jan-2010 06:08
Stunning countryside a scene from a Lord of the Rings...V
lou_rozensteins07-Jan-2010 05:33
Wonderful scene. The detail and colour are amazing. Well done.
Joanne Kamo07-Jan-2010 04:34
What a spectacular scene..I just love the lighting..amazing detail!!
Hank Vander Velde07-Jan-2010 03:15
Beautifully composed image Bartosz.
Guest 07-Jan-2010 02:06
Wow what a view.
Char07-Jan-2010 00:06
This is a wonderful capture of this scene Bartosz! \/
Michel Jasmin06-Jan-2010 23:36
What a great scene, well done my friend V
Jim Coffman06-Jan-2010 23:21
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