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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Street Photography > Bridie Coyne
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Bridie Coyne

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D AF
1/200s f/10.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 25-Aug-2009 18:01
Most expressive portrait, excellent use of b/w! V!
Guest 13-Jun-2009 19:44
Great portrait of this woman of strong character... excellent work!
globalgadabout13-Jun-2009 15:34
super shot...this is a person of great character...V
Guest 13-Jun-2009 14:19
Stunning portrait, Batrosz. Very well done. V
marie-jose wolff13-Jun-2009 06:38
a great portrait, very expressive! V
Sam_C13-Jun-2009 03:50
Awesome shot of Bridie!! vVv :-)
NealyBob13-Jun-2009 02:59
Such a fascinating portrait! Great work~!
LynnH13-Jun-2009 01:54
A great portrait here!! I bet she has some great stories. Vote!
Char13-Jun-2009 00:33
Hi Bartosz,
This is such a terrific portrait of Bridie! \/
Guest 12-Jun-2009 23:53
An intriguing portrait! Great BW!!
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