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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Poland-My Father's Land >> Babia Gora "Old Wives or Witches Mountain" > Old Wives or Witches Mountain12.jpg
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Old Wives or Witches Mountain12.jpg

Nikon D80
1/125s f/13.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
poetry66627-Apr-2009 17:27
The colours, perspective and mood are superb here Bartosz.BV!!
Guest 10-Nov-2008 23:54
Great work Bartosz. V
marie-jose wolff10-Nov-2008 20:55
beautiful light and vibrant colors! V
Guest 10-Nov-2008 20:46
Must have a story attached to the rock form..really an excellent image..v
Carol Rollins10-Nov-2008 14:13
Wonderfully seen and composed Bartosz. V
Fong Lam10-Nov-2008 13:14
Awesome capture, love the POV and vibrant colors!! V
Guest 10-Nov-2008 06:45
lovely view, nice capture indeed :) V~!
Marcia Colelli10-Nov-2008 04:02
wonderful composition, nice detail and colors V
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