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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Sunsets&Sunrises > Love
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Nikon D80
1/30s f/8.0 at 78.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Jun-2010 13:32
Fantastic capture! BV
Guest 14-Mar-2009 15:33
Nice composition!
petesie04-Mar-2009 04:58
Everything about this is special.
Elena24-Feb-2009 14:36
Beautiful picture! Love the composition and mood. B V
Patrick Allender24-Jan-2009 14:55
Really nice image and sentiment, Bartosz.
Guest 15-Jan-2009 01:14
Nice silhouette!
globalgadabout30-Dec-2008 04:55
the warmth of the sunset underscores the warmth of their feelings for each other...V
Jean D13-Dec-2008 04:16
Gorgeous sunset with great color, Bartosz! The silhouettes add to the atmosphere! ~V~
Darbowski10-Dec-2008 10:16
This one is amazing !!! VVV
Chris Spracklen09-Dec-2008 17:22
Another excellent sunset image, Bartosz. (V)
A strong composition and gorgeous sky tones.
veraferia01-Nov-2008 12:13
Fantastic composition!V
Tom Munson23-Oct-2008 15:22
This is a lovely image taken in beautiful light. v
Guest 18-Oct-2008 23:47
Fantastic silhouette image, Bartosz, The color and composition are perfect. Well done.V
Marcia Colelli18-Oct-2008 20:42
gorgeous colors and nice silhouettes
Guest 18-Oct-2008 20:33
Super, great colour and silhouettes ---V
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