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Barry Rosen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Art Prints tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Art Prints

Photos are made to look like watercolor, dry brush or other artistic effect. Even an out-of-focus photo makes a wonderful art print!
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Spririt art print
Spririt art print
Ovnicek 11x art print
Ovnicek 11x art print
Dexter art print
Dexter art print
Mo dry brush effect
"Mo" dry brush effect
Vincent 16x20 art print
Vincent 16x20 art print
Museum Title: Mother Holding Daughter and Flower
Museum Title: Mother Holding Daughter and Flower
Missing you... ART PRINT
Missing you... ART PRINT
KK9_0348 art print
KK9_0348 art print
JAZ_5923 art print proof.jpg
JAZ_5923 art print proof.jpg
Jordon closeup.jpg
Jordon closeup.jpg
Our Sweet Jasper Art Print
Our Sweet Jasper Art Print
Skippy dry brush print
Skippy "dry brush" print
JAZ_6089 blurred bkgd drybrush proof.jpg
JAZ_6089 blurred bkgd drybrush proof.jpg
JAZ_6089 blurred bkgd drybrush detail proof.jpg
JAZ_6089 blurred bkgd drybrush detail proof.jpg
She's the one!
She's the one!
Best friends
Best friends
Man's Best Friend Art Print
Man's Best Friend Art Print
Oz art print
Oz art print
Sample Dry Brush effect
Sample Dry Brush effect
Sample Art Print
Sample Art Print
Goldens like water
Goldens like water
Shake! Shake! Shake! Montage
Shake! Shake! Shake! Montage
Those eyes!
Those eyes!
Aussie Pup
Aussie Pup
D, D & D Watercolor
D, D & D Watercolor
Spirit on Mars
Spirit on Mars
The Spirit of Spirit
The Spirit of Spirit
Portion of Jett's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Jett's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Raven's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Raven's 16x20 art print to show detail
Bess art print
Bess art print
Portion of Duncan's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Duncan's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Monet's 16x20 art print to show detail
Portion of Monet's 16x20 art print to show detail
KK9_0284 art print
KK9_0284 art print
KK9_0115 art print
KK9_0115 art print
Sanderson - Dry Brush effect TBC_1374
Sanderson - Dry Brush effect TBC_1374
PLB_2579 11x14 Art Print
PLB_2579 11x14 Art Print
PLB_2460 dry brush.jpg
PLB_2460 dry brush.jpg
PLB_2640 dry brush.jpg
PLB_2640 dry brush.jpg
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