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Barry R. Byrd | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> UK and Normandy tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

UK and Normandy

Omaha Beach Memorial
Omaha Beach Memorial
Le Havre from sea
Le Havre from sea
Beach by US memorial
Beach by US memorial
Omaha Beach
Omaha Beach
Normandy fields & hedges
Normandy fields & hedges
B&B Farmhouse
B&B Farmhouse
invasion map
invasion map
German Bunker @ Pointe Du Hoc
German Bunker @ Pointe Du Hoc
D-Day Memorial
D-Day Memorial
American D-Day Memorial
American D-Day Memorial
Normandy grain
Normandy grain
Pointe du Hoc
Pointe du Hoc
Invergordon Scotland
Invergordon Scotland
shapes and colors
shapes and colors
Invergordon crops
Invergordon crops
invergordon farm
invergordon farm
last village
last village
colors of Cork
colors of Cork
leaving Cork
leaving Cork
glens of Antrim
glens of Antrim
Liverpool fireworks
Liverpool fireworks
Liverpool fireworks
Liverpool fireworks
Albert Docks
Albert Docks
St Giles Church
St Giles Church
Glens of Antrim
Glens of Antrim
window in Normandy
window in Normandy
Guernsey Pubs
Guernsey Pubs
View from Edinburgh castle
View from Edinburgh castle