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Barry S Moore | all galleries >> All My Images >> PESO - Informal Weekly Challenge > Sinister - 6 March
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Sinister - 6 March

Sinister - (meaning the left hand as well as naughty)
A sinister trick is to change your bosses PC mouse setting
to left-hand and then become an instant computer expert when
you fix it for them. It's funny that having set the mouse for left
handed you use the right button to click things...
I am Left Handed by the way and have to live in a world with right-handed sissors.
.... At least we drive on the left in Australia.

An Entry in Thursday Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge.
To see more "Sinister images" - Click here

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Adalberto Tiburzi19-Apr-2008 05:57
Fantastic entry, Barry!
Guest 08-Mar-2008 18:15
Wow, I didn't know you could do that! My daughter is a leftie so I will have to research this is a bit more. Definitely changing the boss's settings is sinister ;-)
Phillip Normanton07-Mar-2008 21:28
LOL - evil ;-)
Heidi Jonker07-Mar-2008 15:36
Nancy Lobaugh07-Mar-2008 15:21
now if my computer would only remember to 'keep' the left-handed mouse settings!!
Dick Lowthian07-Mar-2008 14:06
Oh yes, very sinister, Barry.
Maaike Huizer07-Mar-2008 08:33
Great idea. BTW I'm righthanded but use the mouse with my left hand in righthand setting. :)
beverley harrison07-Mar-2008 08:07
oooo that wicked...i love it!!
carolynne_w07-Mar-2008 04:46
Russ Rose07-Mar-2008 04:24
wish that I had done this to my boss. but I do not work for him any more and my new boss, my wife, is left handed.
Greg Christie07-Mar-2008 03:34
My secret is out!
Dan Chusid07-Mar-2008 03:14
I'm lefty too.
Guess there's two of us in the world!
; )
Jonathan Popp07-Mar-2008 02:57
Oh that is nasty. Have a peek at my shot and you'll know why my staff wouldn't try this with me.. ;)
Dave Hein07-Mar-2008 02:13
how often do you have to find a new job?... :)
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2008 23:39
Máire Uí Mhaicín06-Mar-2008 23:15
This is amusing :>))