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Dresden Delights 2015

We arrived by train from Berlin, on our first visit to this beautiful city, which we saw under a clear blue sky and bathed in golden Autumn sun. The Aldstadt beside the River Elbe, was said by the Italian master artist, Canaletto, to be "the Florence of the Elbe". We found it to be so. Spires, domes, churches, galleries, museums and civic buildings delight around every corner of the cobbled streets and squares.

"It is hard to believe that Aldstadt, now with its Baroque buildings and streetscape regenerated, was reduced to smouldering rubble following World War II and years of neglect as part of Eastern Germany..." Rough Guide.

Most of the opulence of Dresden was a result of the vision and vanity of Elector Augustus the Strong (1696-1763), the Sun King of Germany, who brought brilliant artists and architects of his time to the court to create a city of extraordinary beauty.

The bombing of Dresden in February 1945 was almost an obliteration of the city as it was. The rebuilding and restoration in earnest mainly began after the reunification when recriminations from the appalling bombing and the war itself had finally been put aside. The work done already is incredible and commendable, and continues today. While there we were confronted with closed sections, cranes and scaffolding, but this is understandable and Dresden is being rebuilt in the glorious manner of its past.

The weather turned against us but we were grateful for two sunny days. I am disappointed with some of my pictures as Dresden is so very beautiful. However, understandably, there is much rebuilding work still happening and, also, my small camera could not really capture the Cathedral or some other scenes well. We would like to return one day.

See my blog.

The Semperoper in Theatreplatz
The Semperoper in Theatreplatz
Zwinger, enclosed garden of Residenzschloss
Zwinger, enclosed garden of Residenzschloss
Detail, Polish Crown, Zwinger Garden
Detail, Polish Crown, Zwinger Garden
Zwinger balustrade and walkway gate topped by the Polish Crown
Zwinger balustrade and walkway gate topped by the Polish Crown
Albertinum, New Masters Gallery
Albertinum, New Masters Gallery
Tourist ride
Tourist ride
Stallhof window
Stallhof window
Cafe customer
Cafe customer
Renovations underway in Gallery coutryard
Renovations underway in Gallery coutryard
Renovations underway in Gallery coutryard
Renovations underway in Gallery coutryard
Dresden post
Dresden post
Grand doorway
Grand doorway
Stallhof, the former stables
Stallhof, the former stables
The Furstenzug Frieze of Saxony's rulers 1123 - 1904
The Furstenzug Frieze of Saxony's rulers 1123 - 1904
Detail,  The Furstenzug Frieze
Detail, The Furstenzug Frieze
Stallhof, detail
Stallhof, detail
Rugged up but enjoying it
Rugged up but enjoying it
Typical decor around the Zwinger buildings
Typical decor around the Zwinger buildings
Entry to Zwinger, detail
Entry to Zwinger, detail
Entry to Zwinger
Entry to Zwinger
Frauenkirche - Church of Our lady
Frauenkirche - Church of Our lady
The Hofkirche, Kathedrale
The Hofkirche, Kathedrale
The Hofkirche, Kathedrale, interior
The Hofkirche, Kathedrale, interior
Covered walk at the Residenzschloss
Covered walk at the Residenzschloss
Financial Ministry across the River Elbe
Financial Ministry across the River Elbe
Detail, Financial Ministry
Detail, Financial Ministry
Across the river Elbe
Across the river Elbe
Glass dome of the Academy of Art
Glass dome of the Academy of Art
Restaurant near the Residenzschloss
Restaurant near the Residenzschloss
Fountain, Albertplatz, Dresden Neustadt
Fountain, Albertplatz, Dresden Neustadt