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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Picture when I can (PAD 2012) >> March 2012 : Monochrome > March 22 : blues (cyanotype)
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21-MAR-2012 Barbara Heide

March 22 : blues (cyanotype)

near Pézénas, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

part of my Gallery: PAD 2012/March Monochrome

Check out other Monochrome Scavenger Hunting Pbasers HERE

Olympus E-PL1
1/15s f/5.4 at 39.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cindi Smith27-Mar-2012 11:56
Loving the blue.....this rocks!
Jola Dziubinska25-Mar-2012 00:18
Fantastic blue tones, great work, Barbara! V.
Brenda24-Mar-2012 16:47
LynnH24-Mar-2012 00:53
The scene works well in the blue tones! Nice work! :)
larose forest photos23-Mar-2012 22:21
Magnificent image. The blue mood works so well with this scene. Very enchanting work. V+
Mieke WA Minkjan23-Mar-2012 06:41
a beautiful blue composition
Laryl23-Mar-2012 05:41
great blues.. I really enjoy the elements in this photo and how they are arranged.. somehow it just really works for my taste, great job
Guest 23-Mar-2012 02:58
Splendid shot. Great composition.....looks good in blue!
carol j. phipps23-Mar-2012 02:46
REminds me of night vision!
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard22-Mar-2012 21:50
Magnifique et étrangement apaisant :^)
Ann...22-Mar-2012 20:34
There is a very elegant look to this place. I like the blue tones a lot.
Frank Brault22-Mar-2012 19:06
Lovely. V
rousselziak22-Mar-2012 18:52
Excellent shot and treatement ! -V-
wernere0122-Mar-2012 18:17
Excellent blue, but I´m sure this scenerie looks better in colours.
Guest 22-Mar-2012 18:12
So beautiful and blue, very nice compo Barbara!
Janet Donnelly22-Mar-2012 18:04
A very attractive composition made even more so with that beautiful blue. Absolutely enchanting.
William Barletta22-Mar-2012 16:51
Barbara, I usually don't like cyanotypes, but this image is a big exception. Beautifully done ~V~
Chris22-Mar-2012 16:15
How delightful - I'm looking forward to being in the region once again.
Guest 22-Mar-2012 16:03
This looks great in blue.
Jean-Rene A22-Mar-2012 15:24
Je suis un fan du virage bleu ! C'est superbe ! Froid, précis, presque dur et pourtant si poétique.
J. Scott Coile22-Mar-2012 14:45
True blue!
Guest 22-Mar-2012 13:31
what a lovely view, gives a new meaning to light. V
Yvonne22-Mar-2012 10:18
This looks so good in blue!
laine22-Mar-2012 10:15
A gorgeous rooftop view of your part of the world...blues are beautiful!
Sheila22-Mar-2012 10:13
The trees on the ridge are magnificent!
Love the old stone buildings.
Stephanie22-Mar-2012 08:55
Such a quaint and charming shot! :)
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