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FransvV | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> SIGMA DP1 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This gallery displays pictures taken with the SIGMA DP1 compact camera. The first compact with a DSLR-size Foveon-sensor.
g4/02/828302/3/137952389.zdTsN8jr.jpg Chateau de la Motte
Chateau de la Motte
Central stairway of Bonnefanten-museum, Maastricht
Central stairway of Bonnefanten-museum, Maastricht
Detail of a steam-engine
Detail of a steam-engine
Dome of the Cyriacus church, Hoorn  -1.7,0,+1.7 Blend
Dome of the Cyriacus church, Hoorn -1.7,0,+1.7 Blend
0 shot
0 shot
Boot-sale Onderdijk
Boot-sale Onderdijk
Artists colours
Artists colours
Coloured glass
Coloured glass
Beetle and Pike
Beetle and Pike
Typical Dutch?
Typical Dutch?
Sandsculpture contest Noordwijk
Sandsculpture contest Noordwijk