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Glenn | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Living Color > May 13, 2004
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May 13, 2004

Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA

It is the first time I ran in the trail with my Canon G3 camera, and probably is the last time.
How many times I have run through the hilly trail? I don't know, but I know it is always a place to refresh my body and soul.

An alternative is here.

Canon PowerShot G3
1/100s f/2.8 at 17.6mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Glenn15-May-2004 03:25
I just used a big aperture and didn't focus on any object.
It is just how I feel about the trail.
Guest 14-May-2004 05:53
Glenn Awesome, I really enjoy this photo, sooo relaxing, and I love how its all blurred! Perhaps serendipity? hmmm? either way, great job!