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Henry Hornbostel And His Pittsburgh

The memory of his name and personality may be dimmed in the passage of years,
for it is the fate of architects to be lost in their work.


Henry Hornbostel's legacy climbs along the hills of the Carnegie Mellon University campus in
Oakland to the peak of the Grant Building, Downtown.

This is a project to study the archecture which are designed by Henry Hornbostel
It is not only a project with photographing, but also with history and archetecture of the city.

Attentative archecture:
CMU Baker Hall
Grant Building
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall
City-County Building
Smithfield United Church
Rodef Shalom synagogue
University Club
Park Golf Clubhouse
Hamershlag Hall
Soldier's Memorial
Soldier's Memorial
Soldier's Memorial
Soldier's Memorial
Soldier's Memorial
Soldier's Memorial
Baker Hall
Baker Hall
A Montage For Curve Down
A Montage For Curve Down