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Dennis Wagner | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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pacs22-May-2015 18:46
More beautiful photos please ;)
cafe18-May-2015 09:40
good start :)
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:45
Nice site updates
Andrea Varela 20-Apr-2012 22:57
Hi Dennis Wagner,
I'm a Trevor G. Browne Student and intermidiate dancer. and I would like for you to come to the Beggining,Intermidiate, and advanced Dance Spring Concert on April 25TH 2012 AT 7:00pm the dance concert title is memory box it willtake place in the Trevor G. Browne Auditurim for many dancers is their last year in dance and many would want pictures or memories. i hope you can assist to this eventand take some picture will be greatfully thankful
Andrea Varela 07-Apr-2012 02:51
Hi Dennis Wagner,
I'm a Trevor G. Browne Student and intermidiate dancer. and I would like for you to come to the Beggining,Intermidiate, and advanced Dance Spring Concert on April 25TH 2012 AT 7:00pm the dance concert title is memory box it willtake place in the Trevor G. Browne Auditurim for many dancers is their last year in dance and many would want pictures or memories. i hope you can assist to this eventand take some picture will be greatfully thankful
Kaily 02-Nov-2010 04:21
Hi Dennis! Thanks for all the awesome photos for GCC Cheer!!
jose 21-Aug-2010 22:35
hey Dennis Wagner. I'm a Trevor G Browne sudent.
i would like you to come to any of the boys soccer games. Varsity is the level i play. Hope to see you there. If you need info about the games let me know.
jessica garnica 31-Mar-2010 15:29
i using my daugther s computer but my name is leslie garnica can u get hold of me or see my son matthew garnica i have all list i want u make a copies dont tell my son supposed be a gift for him so thanks if u can hold of that email or matt at school matt s name is matthew garnica thanks
jessica garnica 31-Mar-2010 01:43
my name is leslie garnica and i am the mom of my son matthew garnica and i needs to know i have write down the nbr and list that i want make a copies beofre he graudate in may so i can give u some money for donate for that thanks let me know how we can get hold of u use my daugther s email thanks by leslie garnica
jessica garnica 12-Dec-2009 15:47
i will get serial nbr for tevor brown high school for matthew garnica football back in 2007 to now he will gradautate this year thanks for took pic of him i want cd for keep him memory alive again
Betty Ambrose 13-Dec-2008 21:05

You are providing a GREAT service to Trevor G. Browne High School with your magnificant photos. Thanks so much for caring and sharing