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Dawn McKenzie-Wykes


I LOVE to go shopping ! so who does and who doesn't - how about you guys do
you love to go SHOPPING ?? :-))

Samsung Galaxy II

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cindi Smith28-Mar-2012 02:07
Hate it unless it is shopping for camera gear!
LynnH27-Mar-2012 21:46
Oh the tones and reflections are wonderful!! BV
Ann...26-Mar-2012 22:24
I could shop for my Country, so some people who shall remain nameless say! I love to browse and see what's new.
J. Scott Coile26-Mar-2012 16:41
Love this :-)
Yvonne26-Mar-2012 10:45
Dick loves food shopping and the chance to have a gas bag with someone; but
when it comes to clothes shopping - first of the rack goes in the bag, he's
hopeless! Fabulous shot - you got us all started on it I reckon Dawn!
Stephanie26-Mar-2012 09:46
I'm with you Dawn!!! I love to shop til I drop!!!
Can't wait for my best friend's visit in April ~ we are both shopaholics and will participate in a LOT of retail therapy!
BTW ~ love your photo and pp work! :)
Janice Dunn26-Mar-2012 06:57
I like to shop - but not if I am looking for something special... I can never find what I want!!!
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Mar-2012 06:55
I like window shopping, which means: having a look, but no buy!
retailers will hate me for that
great Dawn for shopping
Sheila26-Mar-2012 03:22
Great image!
I quite dislike shopping, especially for clothes.
But I'm going to the Apple store in Perth later for the first time. I might like that.
Guest 26-Mar-2012 01:46
I totally agree with Laryl!!! Wonderful photo and excellent tones Dawn!!
Barbara Heide26-Mar-2012 00:11
I hate shopping! bless the internet! a sweet find though...
Guest 25-Mar-2012 23:20
I am not much of a shopper, my wife takes on that role in our life:)
carol j. phipps25-Mar-2012 22:55
This picture is superb. Sorry, I'm not a shopper, but my sister is right there with you in loving to shop.
carol j. phipps25-Mar-2012 22:55
This picture is superb. Sorry, I'm not a shopper, but my sister is right there with you in loving to shop.
Brenda25-Mar-2012 21:52
I live less than 2 miles from a major shopping mall but I have been there less than a handful of times in 5+ years. I HATE shopping and only do so when I absolutely have to.
Janet Donnelly25-Mar-2012 21:45
I'd rather do almost anything other than shop ...... the only time I do it is when I actually need things.
Laryl25-Mar-2012 21:37
I hate shopping for some things (clothes, food) but love shopping IF I have money for electronics and photo stuff!! and I love this photo a lot!
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