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17-MAR-2012 Dawn McKenzie-Wykes

Thunderboat Racing

For the Monochromatic Challenge.

"Water and Sports"

Taken at Ahipara, Far North, New Zealand.. I was recently on holiday in that region.

In different monochromatic tones..

Canon EOS 50D
1/800s f/4.5 at 73.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Brenda22-Mar-2012 22:11
You did good! I like how you captured the guy walking out of the water.
Cindi Smith21-Mar-2012 11:42
Very, very cool! I too have never seen anything like this but now I have! :)
Ann...21-Mar-2012 11:10
These look a lot like the Zap Cats I've seen in the UK - awesome sport and a lovely series of images.
Janet Donnelly21-Mar-2012 00:24
Never seen anything like this before ....... sensational series of shots!
Barbara Heide20-Mar-2012 23:18
a very impressive series!
wernere0120-Mar-2012 23:08
Somehow they look funny and scary at the same time. Not sure I would run away when they enter the beach. But fantastic shots altogether. I like the flying boat most. v
Sheila20-Mar-2012 22:57
Wonderful series of shots, Dawn!
carol j. phipps20-Mar-2012 22:30
Wow! is is a tag team sport? Wonderful shot.
Guest 20-Mar-2012 21:55
Great shots Dawn!!!! They almost fly!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed McConnell20-Mar-2012 20:22
great for the challenge..well done Dawn.
J. Scott Coile20-Mar-2012 14:50
Quite an extreme sport. Great capture.
Yvonne20-Mar-2012 11:40
Goodness me, a lot of action happening there, they'd need to be very fit!
Chris20-Mar-2012 11:06
Great series of images - but it looks hard work!
laine20-Mar-2012 10:04
great fun by the look of it...
Stephanie20-Mar-2012 08:58
Sure looks like great fun! :)
Welcome back Dawn!
Janice Dunn20-Mar-2012 08:11
You have some good shots here Dawn...
Mieke WA Minkjan20-Mar-2012 06:54
great shot, they look like little moon men!
Guest 20-Mar-2012 05:50
That must have been a blast to see, well done.
Laryl20-Mar-2012 05:44
WOW I've never seen this type of boat or racing before.. bet it's fun to watch! great shots!
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