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Friends and I

A selection of photos of Friends and myself.
j and d.
j and d.
Photographer hits the road.jpg
Photographer hits the road.jpg
Love at first sight.
Love at first sight.
ewwwww I am naughty.sorry Dave.
ewwwww I am naughty.sorry Dave.
Sweety and Janice. Trekkers Buddies
Sweety and Janice. Trekkers Buddies
Pam and Janice in ACTION.
Pam and Janice in ACTION.
Janice about to lay down on the job.
Janice about to lay down on the job.
Indecisive  moment.
Indecisive moment.
Pam and friends.
Pam and friends.
Hmmm Shall I or not.
Hmmm Shall I or not.
Trekkers Buddy Janice.
Trekkers Buddy Janice.
Dawn at Army Bay.
Dawn at Army Bay.
Warren and Gary Jan 2005.
Warren and Gary Jan 2005.
Warren at Bowentown.
Warren at Bowentown.
Dawn and Gary.
Dawn and Gary.
Charlene and Bill.
Charlene and Bill.
Kelly Joan Sarah
Kelly Joan Sarah
Gary at Dawns computer.
Gary at Dawns computer.