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Vicki Olson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> These are photos of out and about the state of Wisconsin also other favorite animals I come accross tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

These are photos of out and about the state of Wisconsin also other favorite animals I come accross

While out on sunday drives (or whatever day we go out) the camera travels along
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Corn fields in Wi.
Corn fields in Wi.
Wind turbines Wi.
Wind turbines Wi.
old barn
old barn
Sunset on lake Michigan
Sunset on lake Michigan
Fon du lac.Wi
Fon du lac.Wi
Wind turbine with Zoom lens
Wind turbine with Zoom lens
wind turbines Beaver Dam,Wi
wind turbines Beaver Dam,Wi
wind turbans Beaver Dam,Wi
wind turbans Beaver Dam,Wi
grain elevator oakfield,wi
grain elevator oakfield,wi
Wisonsin farms
Wisonsin farms
Wisconsin farms
Wisconsin farms
falling leaves
falling leaves
from green to yellow
from green to yellow
fall approaching
fall approaching
Shadows on the barn
Shadows on the barn
old barn
old barn
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