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Vicki Olson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> JnDs Slingers Gold - now retired....Slinger is now at Rainbow Bridge.....He will be deeply missed tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

JnDs Slingers Gold - now retired....Slinger is now at Rainbow Bridge.....He will be deeply missed

slinger....taken at nationals sep.06......shot of slingers win pic-3rd place red dog..Slinger is our first stud dog .he is ofad good eyes cleared yearly.he has produced some very nice may contact me on a stud packet....He is everything you could want in a dog....The sweetist temperment great movement and all around great dog....and this has passed on through his puppys...If you would like to contact me email Vicki at Pedigrees are now posted for all of 12/03/06 now has an Akc pointed puppy in the ring!!!!congrats Heidi and Sky!!! DNA -CP E121576....Hips good(ofa)#as1912g27m-pi..eyes cleared yearly.slinger is standing at stud to approved bitches only....Slinger is now retired.12/08/2015.....He has crossed to Rainbow Bridge....will miss ya my silly red dude