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Parade/Event of the Aloha Festivals 2004

     Some of the many activities that took place in celebration of the Aloha Festivals.
     The Aloha Festivals' theme for 2004 is No Na Kamali'i or "for the children".

     Aloha Festival was first organized as Aloha Week by a businessman, Harry Nordmark in 1947. He had a concept of an "aloha" celebration, as to keep Hawaiian culture alive after War World II.

     Today, Aloha Festivals is one of major annual celebrations in Hawaii. This event involves all 6 islands: O'ahu, Big Island of Hawai'i, Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i and Kaua'i. Ni'ihau and Kaho'olawe did not take part in this celebration. You will also see a distinctive color for each island's horseriders (pa'u), which will be introduced in the photos.

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Red Represents Big Island of Hawaii
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Yellow Represents the Island of Oahu
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Purple Represents Island of Kaua'i
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Pink Represents Island of Maui
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Orange Represents the Island of Lana'i
Orange Represents the Island of Lana'i
Green Represents the Island of Moloka'i
Green Represents the Island of Moloka'i
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Spread the Joy & Aloha!
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