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Aud Elise Sjøsæther | all galleries >> Galleries >> Patterns > Sunrise
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Guest 08-Aug-2009 01:54
Stunning work. So creative. V
Yiannis Pavlis04-Aug-2009 18:10
Excellent work and impressive image with wonderful color and splendid detail. Creative vision indeed.V
Abescat Charles21-Feb-2009 16:42
Milan Vogrin05-Feb-2009 09:37
Guest 14-Oct-2008 09:56
What a beautiful Photo, love the Composition!
Per in Toulon!
regi olbrechts01-Jul-2008 21:30
Yes! Sunrise!
Superb ;-)
Bernd Koenemann07-Jun-2008 07:23
Excellent composition, wonderful association.
Marisa Livet04-May-2008 18:24
Clever and beautiful wooden sunrise!
Peter Sussex06-Apr-2008 09:23
Brilliant composition and the lighting is awesome.
Jean-Paul PLUME11-Dec-2007 09:36
Original and beautiful. V!
Guest 10-Dec-2007 13:23
outstanding vision...
sian09-Dec-2007 21:24
Excellent! v.
Guest 27-Nov-2007 17:26
Wow! I love this shot! a very original image. VV
Guest 23-Nov-2007 21:29
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