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ATSF_Arizona John Sing | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Constructing a N scale GP7B in Santa Fe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Constructing a N scale GP7B in Santa Fe

This photo documentary shows construction of a N scale Santa Fe GP7B, using an Atlas shell/mechanism and a Des Plaines GP9B kit. :-)
John Sing, Sarasota, Florida
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GP7B aaa dissassemble.jpg
GP7B aaa dissassemble.jpg
GP7B aac cab removal two tabs.jpg
GP7B aac cab removal two tabs.jpg
GP7B aae cab closeup.jpg
GP7B aae cab closeup.jpg
GP7B aag cab closeup overhead.jpg
GP7B aag cab closeup overhead.jpg
GP7B aai test fit replacement piece.jpg
GP7B aai test fit replacement piece.jpg
GP7B abb cutting out cab area.jpg
GP7B abb cutting out cab area.jpg
GP7B abc cutting out cab area.jpg
GP7B abc cutting out cab area.jpg
GP7B abe Make horizontal cut right side.jpg
GP7B abe Make horizontal cut right side.jpg
GP7B abf Make horizontal cut left side.jpg
GP7B abf Make horizontal cut left side.jpg
GP7B aca Horizontal cut with cutoff wheel.jpg
GP7B aca Horizontal cut with cutoff wheel.jpg
GP7B acb Flex and remove cab piece.jpg
GP7B acb Flex and remove cab piece.jpg
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