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6. Peißenberger Modellbahntage 2008

Pictures from the 6.Peißenberger Modellbahntage, the tri-yearly model train show organised by the Modellbahnclub Pfaffenwinkel (see; The two-day event attracted roughly 3.500 visitors complemented by gorgeous weather. I ran a prototypical 101-car HO train Saturday morning. My friends Alain Kap and Patrick Bopp from Luxemburg showed their Bay Area switching layout.
event flyer
event flyer
pre-event warmup party at our home
pre-event warmup party at our home
Ralf the treasurer staffing the ticket booth
Ralf the treasurer staffing the ticket booth
selling model railroad items
selling model railroad items
Andreas and Marcus celebrating
Andreas and Marcus celebrating
Mr. Grünig, the tree man
Mr. Grünig, the tree man
Swiss narrow gauge layout
Swiss narrow gauge layout
old-time Bavarian farm
old-time Bavarian farm
exhibitors' (Saturday) night dinner
exhibitors' (Saturday) night dinner
Alain and Patrick enjoying local food
Alain and Patrick enjoying local food
Alain's layout exhibit
Alain's layout exhibit
show room
show room
Manfred Mr.Food tending to his helpers
Manfred "Mr.Food" tending to his helpers
live steam and our record setting layout
live steam and our record setting "layout"
da boyz getting live steam instructions
da boyz getting live steam instructions
Sunday morning show staff picture
Sunday morning show staff picture
having fun riding the Bockerlbahn
having fun riding the "Bockerlbahn"
riding into a beautiful fall morning
riding into a beautiful fall morning
two-legged helper
two-legged helper
happy Marcus running trains
happy Marcus running trains
Andreas getting instructions for live steam trains
Andreas getting instructions for live steam trains
controling a live steamer
controling a live steamer
Andreas receiving his Model Railroad Steam Engineer certificate
Andreas receiving his "Model Railroad Steam Engineer" certificate
Siegfried enjoying life
Siegfried enjoying life
Alain having a good time
Alain having a good time
the Sunday crowd is in
the Sunday crowd is in
highball for the steam train
highball for the steam train
off into the sun
off into the sun
Jürgen Meng and Alain Kap enjoying the show
Jürgen Meng and Alain Kap enjoying the show
happy but tired model railroaders
happy but tired model railroaders
Santa Fe-ing
Santa Fe-ing
I wanna run some trains
I wanna run some trains
Amtrak on the way
Amtrak on the way
opposing traffic
opposing traffic
Ralf taking the cash
Ralf taking the cash
Gerd selling more stuff
Gerd selling more stuff
Andreas in control
Andreas in control
live steam and HO scale action
live steam and HO scale action
Patrick enjoying life
Patrick enjoying life
time for coffee and cake
time for coffee and cake
Australian desert diorama
Australian desert diorama
ruins can look fantastic in HO scale
ruins can look fantastic in HO scale
Bavaria in the 1920's HO layout
Bavaria in the 1920's HO layout
setting up a live steamer for another run
setting up a live steamer for another run
the DCC gurus Alfred and Christian
the DCC gurus Alfred and Christian
our Mr. DCC checking the setup
our Mr. DCC checking the setup
real coal school project staff
real coal school project staff
the new campground module is getting an inspection
the new campground module is getting an inspection
newspaper coverage in the Weilheimer Tagblatt
newspaper coverage in the "Weilheimer Tagblatt"