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Teresa Binstock | all galleries >> Galleries >> Indian pipe at SanSuzEd in northwestern Montana > Indian pipe blossom - northwestern Montana - IMG_0764
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18-AUG-2010 teresa binstock

Indian pipe blossom - northwestern Montana - IMG_0764

near West Glacier, Montana

This photo was taken in mixed lighting - fluorescent and natural through window. A cluster of Indian pipe had been brought to us by an outdoorsman. This image may represent a pollinated flower, and all the Indian pipe in this cluster had progressed to standing upright.

Monotropa uniflora, also known as the Ghost Plant, Indian Pipe, or Corpse Plant is a herbaceous perennial plant, formerly classified in the family Monotropaceae, but now included within the Ericaceae:

see also:

Canon PowerShot S90
1/60s f/2.0 at 6.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Steve Fink19-Aug-2010 12:01
bill cathey 19-Aug-2010 01:44
Nice shot. It's a very interesting-looking flower.
Janet Forjan-Freedman18-Aug-2010 21:36
Very interesting flower nicely captured!
Rod Rees18-Aug-2010 20:38
Now that's one I've never seen before. Also, very well shot.
Guest 18-Aug-2010 19:05
Neat... Different..
Martin Schiff18-Aug-2010 18:29
Very nice!
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