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Artichoke Vinagrette | profile | all galleries >> flora >> Orchids tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


my parents have been collecting orchids for about 40 years & almost all are from our collection
most of the orchids were done in a studio using a single SB28 flash with reflectors with the more recent using as well umbrellas and a second SB800 on TTL with the SB28 on A mode using an SU4 as a flash triggered slave
more recently I have added a Sigma ring flash for studio & field work
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phrag Grande 01
phrag Grande 01
phrag Sorcerers Apprentice x caudatum sanderae 01
phrag Sorcerers Apprentice x caudatum sanderae 01
ndl paph mutant
ndl paph mutant
Schomburgkia tibicinis 3
Schomburgkia tibicinis 3
Schomburgkia tibicinis 06
Schomburgkia tibicinis 06
Schomburgkia tibicinis 4
Schomburgkia tibicinis 4
Schomburgkia tibicinis 4 detail
Schomburgkia tibicinis 4 detail
Schomburgkia tibicinis 08
Schomburgkia tibicinis 08
Schomburgkia splendida 01
Schomburgkia splendida 01
schombcattleya Levensdale Nicole 01
schombcattleya Levensdale Nicole 01
Stenia pallida 01
Stenia pallida 01
stenia pallida 07
stenia pallida 07
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