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Various macro galleries

cheap telescoping flash snoot
:: cheap telescoping flash snoot ::
Nikon bellows lens 105mm F4
Nikon bellows lens 105mm F4
20mm lens and K1 ring used in the rose picture
20mm lens and K1 ring used in the rose picture
Old Novoflex bellows lens reversed on 200mm F4 Nikkor.
Old Novoflex bellows lens reversed on 200mm F4 Nikkor.
Some monkey business to mount ring flash.
Some monkey business to mount ring flash.
Omega copier lens reversed on 200mm F4.
Omega copier lens reversed on 200mm F4.
10X loupe on iPhone for cheap close ups.
10X loupe on iPhone for cheap close ups.
iPhone and 10X loupe.
iPhone and 10X loupe.
Full iPhone image using the 10x hand lens
Full iPhone image using the 10x hand lens
100% crop of the eye D800E
100% crop of the eye D800E
eye of the frog
eye of the frog
fly eyes.
fly eyes.
Ant close up
Ant close up
200mm F4 with reversed 105mm F4 lens
200mm F4 with reversed 105mm F4 lens
Harvester ant 200mm F4 with reversed 105mm bellows lens
Harvester ant 200mm F4 with reversed 105mm bellows lens
Question mark butterfly portrait.
Question mark butterfly portrait.
Blue flax
Blue flax
Three shots hand held and focus stacked with Zerene Stacker.
Three shots hand held and focus stacked with Zerene Stacker.