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humor from our cats

Just some family friendly cat humor. My two cats seem to always be adding a little "humor" to our lives. Here's what I think they are up to..

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Me? I don't know what you're talking about. I'd never have used that sweater on the bed for a litter box...
Me? I don't know what you're talking about. I'd never have used that sweater on the bed for a litter box...
OK you big brute! I saw you looking at my stuffed mouse! Boys will be boys.
OK you big brute! I saw you looking at my stuffed mouse! Boys will be boys.
What do I care if someone is going to be eating these things, they're poopcycles aren't they?
What do I care if someone is going to be eating these things, they're poopcycles aren't they?
Call it Christmas tree snow, batting or what ever you want, I call it nap heaven..
Call it Christmas tree snow, batting or what ever you want, I call it nap heaven..
Stick that flash in my face just one more time and I'm gonna...
Stick that flash in my face just one more time and I'm gonna...
I'm earning my keep just as much as you are. I just earn my keep by being CUTE.
I'm earning my keep just as much as you are. I just earn my keep by being CUTE.
I know you never wash behind YOUR ears but I have a date tonight..
I know you never wash behind YOUR ears but I have a date tonight..
I'm a tightly wound spring ready to leap into action in an instant. Don't let the relaxed look fool you.
I'm a tightly wound spring ready to leap into action in an instant. Don't let the relaxed look fool you.
cat at f1.4
cat at f1.4
I saw them put the turkey on the second shelf... You get the door, I'll grab the turkey.
I saw them put the turkey on the second shelf... You get the door, I'll grab the turkey.
Move my food bowl closer please..
Move my food bowl closer please..
Just look closer, I know I saw some chicken snacks in there.  snicker, snicker.
Just look closer, I know I saw some chicken snacks in there. snicker, snicker.
Look, they're right there in the corner.  I can't imagine how snacks got in there!
Look, they're right there in the corner. I can't imagine how snacks got in there!
Where's the packing tape and what's the zipcode for China??
Where's the packing tape and what's the zipcode for China??
HEY! anybody out there?  HELLO??  OK, This isn't funny any more! Anyone listening??
HEY! anybody out there? HELLO?? OK, This isn't funny any more! Anyone listening??
Mine puff ball! If you want a shreading, just try getting one of my MONSTER drinks..
Mine puff ball! If you want a shreading, just try getting one of my MONSTER drinks..
Only problem with monster drinks is coming down from the boost..
Only problem with monster drinks is coming down from the boost..
I was born for the spotlight!
I was born for the spotlight!
Hey dipstick, there's a big difference between a spot light and a gap in the curtains.. Get a life.
Hey dipstick, there's a big difference between a "spot light" and a "gap in the curtains".. Get a life.
So you spent $35 on a fancy cat bed.  YOU sleep in it!
So you spent $35 on a fancy cat bed. YOU sleep in it!
Can you think of a better place to hunt birds? They will already be clean too..
Can you think of a better place to hunt birds? They will already be clean too..
God, I promise not to cough up anymore hair balls by the dinner table when we have company over. Amen
God, I promise not to cough up anymore hair balls by the dinner table when we have company over. Amen
I lay me down to sleep, I pray my soul to keep, If you touch these jeans, I shred your feet!
I lay me down to sleep, I pray my soul to keep, If you touch these jeans, I shred your feet!
Exhausted after walking from their food bowl to the bedroom..
Exhausted after walking from their food bowl to the bedroom..
1920x1200 wallpaper (all are welcome to copy and use)
1920x1200 wallpaper (all are welcome to copy and use)
Got whiskers?
Got whiskers?
Well, whose couch do you think this is anyway??
Well, whose couch do you think this is anyway??
Tippy observing a portrait shoot... When's it my turn?
Tippy observing a portrait shoot... When's it my turn?
jabba the what?
jabba the what?
Step into my sunshine and I'll rip your eyelids out!
Step into my sunshine and I'll rip your eyelids out!
Never mind, do I hear someone scooping icecream?
Never mind, do I hear someone scooping icecream?
Yea, I know I'm sultry. What's your excuse?
Yea, I know I'm sultry. What's your excuse?
Hey there better still be some in the fridge!
Hey there better still be some in the fridge!
What do you call a dependency?
What do you call a dependency?
Tools? I didn't see no stinkin tools..
Tools? I didn't see no stinkin tools..
Where's MY DINNER? Do you have wax in your ears?
Where's MY DINNER? Do you have wax in your ears?
If you hadn't eaten so many donuts, you might fit in a size 8 shoe box too.
If you hadn't eaten so many donuts, you might fit in a size 8 shoe box too.
First day of fall and I get caught in the rain. Where did summer go?
First day of fall and I get caught in the rain. Where did summer go?