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Arjun Roychowdhury | all galleries >> theme >> My Favorites > Yosemite by Moonlight
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Arjun Roychowdhury

Yosemite by Moonlight

Yosemite. California

View of the Yosemite Falls by Moonlight.
It was a pitch black night with only the moon light reflecting on the rocks and a lot of small stars. It was for times like this that we actually bought a pocket torch.
As luck would have it, the torch was never with us when we needed it. Thank goodness for the
reflected light of the sony LCD

Tech Info: f/4,30s, ISO 200
2 frames, 3 images per frame to reduce noise.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Naresh Saharya 13-Nov-2006 02:20
You are the very best, Arjun!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 21:01
That's a sweet shot, Arjun.
Shaun Lowe19-Oct-2004 19:40
Extremely nice Arjun.
Vinay17-Jun-2004 20:13
Beautiful shot
Mel Lammers 04-Jun-2004 13:45
I like the shot(s). I have yet to master the technique you used. I would have used ISO 800, F2 and Noise Ninja afterword. I don't know what the exact results would have been. Not as nice as yours probably.
Zane Paxton04-Jun-2004 07:51
Very interesting image!