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Yao Ming, the 7'6" center from China, being introduced before the start of the Rockets/Kings game.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/250s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jennifer Zhou28-Feb-2004 12:34
WOW!!Very well done, Allen!!:)
Guest 30-Jan-2004 22:16
Good grab shot
Guest 29-Jan-2004 23:28
Wow! That's what I call tall. Great shot, btw.
Guest 29-Jan-2004 22:10
Yo, Yao!! Nice shot! BTW, I know one of the teams in the superbowl, I heard it was New England...but I proudly do NOT know the other!!
A Reid29-Jan-2004 17:23
No...they lost.
Lara S29-Jan-2004 17:05
hey, he looks famliar. Great shot. I like him centered like that. Did they win?