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A Reid | all galleries >> Galleries >> Stadiums, Ballparks and Arenas >
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Reliant Stadium, the site of Super Bowl XXXVIII in just 6 days.

I shot this while in my car bracing the camera on the window. It was very windy and cold tonight and I didn't feel like getting out in the elements so I guess I deserved the blurry image.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
4s f/22.0 at 18.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Jan-2004 04:14
I like it (doesn't look that blurry to me) The star lights are neat looking. Nope, Jeanne, I have no idea either.
Pall Gudjonsson27-Jan-2004 10:35
Excellent job
A Reid27-Jan-2004 05:06
I won't tell you then!
Guest 27-Jan-2004 05:02
Am I the only person who has no idea WHO is playing the Superbowl??? I want to see how long I can go without havin a CLUE!!!