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Panas Bumi Kamojang , Garut

Kalau ke Garut jangan lupa mampir ke Kamojang. Pemandangan di tepi jalan dari Garut ke sana sungguh cantik.

Kamojang Geyser is located 25km east of Garut City. The unique one of this place is a lot of geyser fountain that burst hot steam and water from the earth. There are 23 active geysers in mud pool that the fountain reach 20 meter to the air. This place is located in 25ha woods that cool and tranquil.

The Kamojang Geyser use since Dutch era, one of them named as Locomotive geyser as the sound is noisy like steam driven locomotive. Some of the geyser has been used as electricity generation with the total 140MW.

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