PawPaw Sphinx Moth |
 Silvery Crescentspot |
 Fearless Hackberry Emperor |
 Isabella Tiger Moth |
 Isabella Tiger Moth |
 Northern Pearly Eye |
 Red-spotted Purple |
 Banded Hairstreak |
 Bad-wing Moth |
 Polyphemus Moth |
 Eastern Comma |
 Moth on finger |
 Eastern Tailed-Blue |
 Red Admiral |
 Red-banded Hairstreak |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 Swallowtail tail |
 Diana |
 Diana |
 7-spotted Forrester Moth |
 Banded Tussock Moth |
 Appalachian Azure (laying eggs) |
 Orange Striped Oakworm Moth |
 Skipper |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Malacosoma americanum |
 Eyed Brown |
 Mourning Cloak Butterfly |
 Beautiful Moth |
 Eastern Comma |
 Mournful Thyris Moth |
 Eastern Tailed-blue |
 Zebra Swallowtail |
 Fiery Skipper ? |
 Sachem |
 Giant Leopard Moth |
 Bird Dropping Moth |
 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
 Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail |
 Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail |
 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (dark) |
 Pearly Crescentspot |
 Pearly Crescentspot |
 Hickory Tussock Moth |
 Butterfly (Hairstreak sp. ??) |
 Diana |
 Moth |
 Pair of Fritillaries |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Duskywing sp. |
 Orange Sulphur |
 Red Admiral |
 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth |
 Sachem |
 Peck's Skipper ?? |
 Banded Hairstreak |
 Swallowtail Butterfly |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Zabulon Skipper |
 Hobomok Skipper |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
 Butterfly / Skipper sp. ? |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 Tent Caterpillers |
 Agreeable Tiger Moth |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 Northern Broken-dash ? |
 Just Hanging Out |
 Interesting Caterpillar |
 Milkweed Tussock Moth Caterpillar |
 Dreamy Duskywing |
 Trying to Hide |
 Caterpillars |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Moth |
 Bird Dropping Moth |
 Moth |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 White Moth |
 Green on Green |
 Moth |
 Eight-spotted Forester |
 Eight-spotted Forester |
 Pipevine Swallowtail |
 Caterpillar |
 Caterpillar |
 Hickory Tussock Moth |
 Pipevine Swallowtails |
 Pipevine Swallowtails |
 Hangin' Out |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Swallowtail Feast |
 Strange Moth |
 Monarch Caterpillar |
 Zebra Swallowtail |
 Large Wood Nymph |
 White Moth |
 Hiding in the Ferns |
 Moth |
 Sooty Azure |
 No Fear |
 Beautiful Moth |
 Sooty Azure |
 Red-spotted Purple |
 Barely Flying |
 Chamouflaged |
 Duskywing ? |
 Caterpillar |
 Daddy Longlegs / Swallowtail Wing |
 Nature saying, "Do Not Touch" |
 Swallowtail Closeup |
 Mating Pipevines |
 Sleepy Duskywing ? |
 Dead 8-spotted Forester Moth |
 Swallowtail |
 Butterflies and Thistle |
 Snout Moth |
 Sachem |
 Juvenal's Duskywing |
 Grapevine Epimenis |
 Juvenal's Duskywing |
 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (dark) |
 Great Spangled Fritillary and Pearly Crescentspot |
 Great Spangled Fritillary and Pearly Crescentspot |
 Caterpillar |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Sooty Azure ? |
 Tent Caterpiller |
 Hickory Tussock Moth |
 Eastern Comma |
 Dusky Azure |
 Pearly Crescentspot |
 Sooty Azure ? |
 Swallowtail Breakfast |
 Silver-spotted Skipper |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 A Flash of Blue |
 Common Wood-Nymph |
 Pearly Cresents |
 Grayish Zanclognatha Moth |
 Northern Pearly-eye |
 Red-spotted Purple |
 Red Admiral |
 Leconte's Haploa |
 Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar |
 Orange Sulphur |
 Northern Pearly-Eye |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Cloudless Sulphur and Skipper sp. |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Northern Pearly-Eye |
 Eastern Tent Caterpiller |
 Duskywings |
 Dusky |
 Crescentspot Butterfly |
 Pearly Crescentspot |
 Unknown Caterpillar - White sp. ?? |
 Pipevine Swallowtails |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 PawPaw Sphinx Moth |
 Zebra Swallowtail |
 Hanging Out |