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Stories of Aloha: Homegrown Treasures of Hawai'i

Aloha Billy,
The October 17 event at AAC was heartwarming, and we’d like to thank everyone for turning out!
Our book distribution to the Aloha ‘ohana is now complete, and we’d like to ask everyone to please
let others know that they can pick up Stories of Aloha: Homegrown Treasures of Hawai'i at
Barnes & Noble Ala Moana. Anyone purchasing three or more books will receive a coveted, not-for-sale,
complimentary Stories of Aloha eco-bag. This is also a good way to support the Lōkahi for Aloha fund,
which benefits from book sales.

Thanks so much, Billy. I hope all is well with you.

Mahalo to Jocelyn & the Hula Moon Press Team, Lokahi, Aloha Air Cargo Team,
Captain Phil, Bruce & Stu, ALL the volunteers and those who made today's
HNL book signing "Stories of Aloha" a total awesome success!
It was great to see the AQ'Ohana back together again.

God Bless you all and Keep Spreading the Aloha!
Mahalo Nui Loa,

Author Jocelyn Fujii on -KGMB9 -->
Click Here!

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