Ray Rebortira | profile | all galleries >> 2 >> A Book of Ping | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map |
A year ago today I joined the PBase community and within that period I have learned a lot about the Craft of Photography. I am hoping that, with perseverance, I shall learn about the Art, too. This gallery is a compilation of pictures which were inspired by the many artists at PBase who continue to provide the creative spark that stirs the imagination. Thanks to them, what was once, for me, a pleasant hobby, has now become a consuming passion.
À la vôtre!!!
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shatterbug | 17-Oct-2007 21:16 | |
Hodero | 17-Oct-2007 06:29 | |
nomada | 13-Oct-2007 19:11 | |
mojoflowerchick | 06-Sep-2007 11:43 | |
Richard Calmes | 11-Feb-2007 14:38 | |
Guest | 30-Dec-2006 14:29 | |
Guest | 08-Sep-2006 12:01 | |
fred_il | 27-Aug-2006 05:27 | |
George Christakos | 25-Jul-2006 12:16 | |
Marisa Livet | 23-Jun-2006 14:49 | |
Marc Demoulin | 13-Jun-2006 19:05 | |
Guest | 12-Jun-2006 02:33 | |
AL | 10-Jun-2006 03:17 | |
Guest | 09-Jun-2006 21:05 | |
Guenter Eh | 09-Jun-2006 19:27 | |